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The Emerson Middle School Hydroponics Club

Our Excellent Hydroponics Club

At Emerson, hydroponics has long been a cornerstone of our efforts to demonstrate innovative and sustainable ways of growing crops within an urban environment. This year is no different, as our Hydroponics Club is currently working on our third harvest of the year.
Picture Day Information-Emerson Middle School


Dear 8th Grade Parents / Guardians, our picture days are here. Attached, please find the flier with important information as well as prices if you wish to purchase pictures of this important milestone in your son/daughter's academic path. Thank you.
February 2025 Calendar-Emerson Middle School

February Calendar

Happy February! Here is the latest news and information about upcoming events concerning the Emerson Middle School. Please take a moment to review our February calendar.

To Report Bullying

Stop Bullying
Please contact:
Mr. Edward Amo-Krah
School Counselor/HIB Coordinator
201-348-5900, Ext. 81627
HIB Score 
78 out of 78



Upcoming Events