Photo Album

Green leafy plants and pink petals fallen on soil
Bench in front of wooden fence
Large tree with two trunks
Plants and pink petals in outside soil
Green and dark purple plant in soil
Teacher and students working at back of garden
3 benches against wooden fence
3 large plants
3 tall leafy plants and many saplings in plant nursery
Students in back of garden
Leafy plant in front of World on spoon graphic
Student carrying rake across outside garden
Large bare tree in school garden
Plastic bags of "EMS Community Garden Mint"
Saplings in plant light
Leafy plant being held up by sticks
Tall leafy plants in plant light
Tall plant being held up with sticks
4 rows of plants under artificial light
4 rows of large plants under artificial light
Large leafy plant growing over plant light
Plant in large plant stand with light
Plant in "tower 1"
Plants growing and hanging from strings
Plant being held to sticks with black plastic
Plant growing fruit
2 teachers behind tall plants