Congratulations to the Winners of the Social Studies and Mathematics Competition

Emerson Middle School Hosts School-wide Social Studies and Mathematics Competitions to Motivate Virtual Learning.
Virtual Learning is made fun and engaging for students of Emerson Middle School through a series of school-wide virtual subject area competitions. All 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders were invited to participate in these competitions. Grand Prize Winners and Finalists received Amazon Gift cards, which were allotted to gifts and supplies for the students and their families.
Emerson Middle School’s first competition kicked off with the Social Studies Competition, in which students had to write a 2-3 page journal entry in first-person point of view as a message to future generations on how life has currently changed their ideas on the present/future.
The Social Studies Competition Winners are:
Grand Prize: Kimberly C. Homeroom 317
Finalists: Iszar L. Homeroom 600, Jose Vicente G. Homeroom 315, & Izabella H. Homeroom 208.
Emerson Middle School continued the competition series with a Battle of the EMS Mathematician Video Contest. The goal of the competition was to have students think about the ways that they have been incorporating math into their everyday lives/conversations over the past month and create a 1.5 to 3-minute video showcasing this role of math in their lives.  Some submissions included Math Rap/Songs, Math Poems, Demonstrating the Math Events Occurring and/or Explaining How Math Has Played a Role in their Everyday Lives.
The Battle of the EMS Mathematician Video Competition Winners are: Grand Prize: Iszar L.7
Stay tuned for the continuation of the Virtual Competition series over the next few weeks at Emerson Middle School. #EmersonStrong