SES - Supplemental Educational Services
Emerson Middle School offers a series of after school classes designed to better prepare our students in achieving proficiency on upcoming state exams. The term "supplemental educational services" refers to an in-depth academic exposure beyond that covered in the classroom. Such extra help is provided in the following areas:
3. Science
4. Computer Skills
Course Descriptions: The courses are designed to provide reinforcement of reading and writing skills needed for successful completion of the PARCC and New Science Assessment 2018. Additionally, teachers provide hands-on enrichment activities to bolster literary awareness and writing competence aligned to projects assigned in the Union City School District Curricula. Students enrolled also receive assistance in homework. All classes meet after school hours from 3PM – 5PM, Mondays through Thursdays.
Soaring Ink (ELA)
The culmination of this course has students working collaboratively to publish a magazine that displays the literary creativity of Emerson’s student body. Students will produce a range of their own creative writing pieces (poems, short stories, plays, etc.) that will undergo the writing process. Soaring Ink is Emerson’s literary magazine. The magazine is a collection of writing and art that displays the creativity of Emerson’s students. As a member of Soaring Ink, students will both write and create pieces to be included in the magazine, as well as work collaboratively to put the magazine together. This includes making decisions about layout, design, and font, as well as editing the magazine for publication.
Advisor: Ms. Weiner
Room 502
This club allows our students to “explore” and “do” science as they dive deeply into “hands-on” activities while they perform STEM investigations where they apply problem-solving skills to help them develop an understanding of the variety of STEM careers related to different fields of study. STEM is aligned to the “Next Generation Science Standards” and is designed to help our students become 21st century learners capable of understanding STEM relevance to everyday life.
Advisor: Ms. Strube
Room 600
Synergist - World of Creative Arts (ELA)
This class takes skills learned in school, and extends them beyond the curriculum. Students will explore different areas across the arts, in order to apply ELA skills to other areas of interest, and to understand the deeper meaning and importance of what they learn in their everyday Language Arts class. Topics will include poetry, photography, creative writing, sensory writing, cooking and creating simple recipes, recipe and food writing, story writing and illustrating, writing music, investigative journalism, blogging and play writing.
Advisor: Ms. Nardone
Room 210
TechCorner (Technology)
All students enrolled in class will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, computational thinking and designed world as they relate to the individual, global society, and environment.
Advisor: Mr. Ramirez
Room 118
The Architect (Math)
This course is designed for students interested in applying mathematical concepts of design and creation in architecture. As students engage in the world of architect design, they must apply mathematics to produce structures that are functional and aesthetically pleasing. Among these are scale drawings, proper ratios and proportions, and many geometrical ideas. Students will create blueprints and use various materials to build different structures, such as edifices and roads, dwelling unites, and bridges.
Advisor: Ms. Fernandez
Room 200
Classic Books Club (ELA)
This club will allow to students to explore and dive deeply into classic literature concepts in a small group setting that will allow for meaningful literature circle discussions. Students will gain insight into such things as themes, analysis of character development and evaluation of author’s choice, along with genre study. Students will engage in literature circles to develop critical thinking skills and strong independent and collaborative habits. Students will be able to evaluate the historical context of a piece and develop strong comprehension of rich texts.
Advisor: Ms. Simone
Room 207
Contemporary Books Club (ELA)
In this course, students will read a contemporary book with the teacher. Book discussions will take place during and after reading. Lively book discussions will give students a chance to ask questions and voice their opinions, while building reading and analytical skills. During reading, students will annotate the text and build on reading skills. The teacher will use the PARCC Readiness Guide to implement reading strategies and skills.
Advisor: Ms. Sanchez
Mondays and Wednesdays
Room 106
Entrepreneurs Club (MATH)
This course is designed for students who have a natural curiosity of the ins and outs of managing a business. Students will create a business and design all aspects of it from identifying a problem to selling a finished product. Through this progression students will be exposed to many connections among the mathematical standards, clusters and domains that are representative of PARCC items, as well as, work with a range of reasoning skills and representations to analyze mathematical relationships.
Advisor: Ms. Strube
Room 600
Future Scientists of America (SCIENCE)
The Future Scientists of America Club was organized to provide year round opportunities for students to explore science. Our science club consists of members in 6th through 8th grade that explore the natural sciences in Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Earth and Space Science. The naturally curious student with aspirations of a career in the sciences will do well to enroll in this club.
Advisor: Ms. Adeymo
Room 305
Junior Eagles Book Club (ELA)
As a member of the Junior Eagles Book Club, students will broaden their social circle and meet with like-minded peers to discuss and enjoy modern, young adult novels. Together we will read the selected novel, share thoughts and opinions about the text, and delve deeper into the novel’s themes to discover how reading can teach us not only about the characters, but also about ourselves. Through this book club we will travel to far away places, and experience new things, without having to leave the classroom.
Advisor: Ms. Weiner
Room 502
Math Counts (MATH)
This course has our students participating in a national middle school coaching and competitive mathematics program that promotes mathematics achievement through a series of fun and engaging “bee” style contests. Students will be able to have increased awareness of the importance of math, improve the math curriculum and elevate the prestige associated with achievement in math. This course enriches the mathematical standards assessed on the PARCC such that are students are better prepared for this assessment.
Advisor: Ms. Cisneros
Room 101
Escribamos y Leamos (ESL)
This course aims at improving academic language for ESL students, as well as improving reading and writing skills. After taking the course, students will comfortably communicate in the target language with improved proficiency. Students will be exposed to the same language arts standards required by the New Jersey Student Learning Standards recently adopted.
Advisor: Ms. Rodriguez
Room 500
This course will give the students the basic tools they need to create, produce, and write a news show. Students will develop judgment and leadership skills by producing bi-weekly television newscasts. They will make decisions about content and presentation while managing reporters, anchors, writers, editors and many others under deadline pressure. This course will enhance 21-century skills while enriching Language Arts Writing and Research Standards.
Advisor: Ms. Abad
Mondays and Tuesdays
Room 100
Nuestra Voz (SNL)
This course was designed to help Bilingual students express themselves through writing. Nuestra Voz is a project used to capture the bilingual population and have them become more involved in school as they become proficient with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Language Arts in Spanish. Our goal is to have as many students involved in covering the news and current events around the school community.
Advisor: Ms. Rodriguez
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Room 500
Strength Perseverance Aspiration Respect Kindness: Empowers young women to support, inspire and encourage each other through the process of acculturation, becoming fully bilingual and remaining true to themselves and proud of who they are and their heritage. Students will discover strengths and passions, work through challenges and explore interests to redefine the possibilities.
Advisor: Ms. Fernandez
Room 200