Dismissal Procedure

All staff members are required to participate in dismissal procedures.
Locker Visitation
Students must visit their lockers prior to their last scheduled block period.  No student is to visit a locker after 2:00 P.M.  Teachers are required to supervise students while they are at their lockers.  Students will be dismissed directly from their 10th-period classes.


Student Dismissal
At the conclusion of the school day, designated staff members will coordinate floor-by-floor dismissal of students.  Everyone should remain inside their classrooms until cleared for dismissal by staff.  Teachers will escort their classes through the appropriate exits at the direction of the floor coordinators: 
3rd Floor
Rooms 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317:  Use Staircase A; Exit on 18th Street/New York Avenue.
Rooms 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 318,319, 320:  Use Staircase C; Exit through the Handicap Exit on 18th Street.
2nd Floor
Rooms 207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215, Media Center: Use Staircase A; Exit on 8th Street/ New York Avenue
Rooms 200, 201, 203, 205, 206:  Use Staircase C; Exit through Handicap door on 18th Street.


1st Floor
All classes to exit via Main Entrance


All classes to exit via Handicap Exit


Exit through 18th Street doors by gymnasium to New York Avenue
Students are to be escorted directly outside the building; To ensure the safety/security of our students, staff members are to remain on post outside until the entire area is cleared.


Staff exiting through Staircase A will assemble in a line across New York Avenue between 18th and 19th Street.
Staff exiting through the Main Entrance will assemble along New York Avenue between 18th and 17th Street.
Staff exiting via the 18th Street Handicap doors should move the students towards Palisade Avenue, assembling along 18th Street.
All staff members who are not assigned to a 10th-period class should report to the corner of 18th Street and New York Avenue immediately at dismissal to assist in clearing the area.
Designated security/custodial staff will be assigned to posts along Bergenline Avenue.


Parents are encouraged to arrange designated meeting places with students prior to dismissal.  Please notify the Administration if your child is expected to wait for you so we can assist them in the event that you are delayed. 
* Always remember to notify the Main Office of updated contact information.